Monday, July 28, 2008

Chicago Criterium.

Oh Boy!

The reality of crit racing sinks in again.
Line up in the second row - miss a clip in - slow down for the second turn down Jackson Ave. - watch the leaders go bye bye down Michigan as you're trying to sprint out of a turn. After sprinting down Michigan finally caught the leading group, but took the uphill turn on Balbo way wide, didn't downshift enough for the kicker, and basically started the chase all over again. The pack was really moving down Columbus and the second time down Jackson, the front 15 already gapped the rest of the field leaving the rest of us to try and form groups. After a lap I found 2 partners in crime- or should I say despair- and we tried working for a few laps wanting to finish the race. I've been dropped after the first 10 minutes of intense riding before but I typically find some rythm to ride it out, but the Ref. was having none of that in the first Cat.5 heat and eventually pulled us even though we were not even half a lap down. Most of the dropped riders got pulled leading to a total of 17 riders finishing the race. Anyway, it was a fast lead group containing 4 teammates whom I knew were prime contenders to win the race. Tom won it in a powerful sprint and Kyle got 3rd. Amazing results. In the second heat things were a lot more compact as the speed was just bit slower according to the announcers, not to blow the race apart from the start. Another 1-3 finish for XXX. So much praise in the awards ceremony was given to the team for its work on the new racer development, and one could not agree more, even if it takes a year or two or three :).
I returned to watch the races after a shower and breakfast. In general everyone was moving freakin' fast from the start hoping to win in the first ever Chicago Crit. Some fields were nearly halved by the end of it, highlighting the discrepancy in the physical preparation needed to compete with the big boys. But I am sure everyone enjoyed having an opportunity to just take a lap on this awesome course.
Hats off to my MS-150 riding buddy Ed Ekstrom of Tower Racing who in his second race ever managed to take 3rd in a highly contested Masters 4/5 race. I didn't see the finish, but when I ran into him and was told about the result, I can tell there is a new star in the works.
I will race the rest of the August events, which is a change in plans. So far this year I have done 2 (two) intervals training sessions, including one on Saturday.
I have gotten lazy and less motivated to ride on the lakefront path after work because of all the dangers that it entails, which leaves me to weekend rides and half hour trainer sessions to keep me in shape. Just on Saturday morning, I almost crashed full speed into a runner (listening to his ipod-but of course) on the south side who in his infinite wisdom decided to JUST turn around in the middle of the path. Now, I've had this happen to me before and even though noone else was near, I went into the opposite lane to give myself enough space in a case the sudden turn happened. It's a good thing I am bilingual and people generally don't understand when I swear but even without that I probably scared the crap out of the guy.

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