Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Latin Music = Great Party

So I went to a Halloween party in Pilsen on Saturday.

I was supposed to be Barrett- the graduate student, however Barrett instead decided to stay at home grading papers, after having a busy afternoon going to an anti-war demonstration dowtown and stuffing his stomach full of veggie samosas and biryani on Devon Ave - where he may or may not have picked up a bit of food poisoning. His tummy hurt like hell and despite his wish to eat in one of those authentic IndoPak joints (where all the cabbies go to eat), he realized that he just wasn't cut out for that much curry and spice.

It was time for plan B.

I put on my cycling kit, sprinkled some mud on myself and in just a minute I looked like a 2002 Paris-Roubaix Winner Johan Museeuw (pictured below).

I went with two girls, and since they showed up a bit late and already dressed up (as Frida and a pirate), it was too late to ask them to change into the podium girl outfits to compliment my look.
I am sure that the idea would not have gone down smoothly anyway :(.

The party was great. What made it so good was the DJ, who played mostly Latin music with few hip-hop and 80s tunes mixed in. I danced pretty much the whole time, and even though I didn't know the steps for some of the dances, I did well. All the people there were also very cool and laid back, which made me very glad I went. I ended up talking and dancing with a super cute girl scout for about 3o-40 minutes. I was craving some cookies but she didn't bring any with her that night. She also forgot to bring her boyfriend which I realized at the end of our 40 minute "nice talking and dancing with you" moment. Apparently, her other 2 friends were SINGLE and looking but I never caught on to that. All I could think of were the coooookies.

The other memorable costumes : two graduate students (yeah - the couple) dressed as the red tape whatever that means, not one but two priests, the Brawny man, and the Flavor Flav.

Heading home, we decided to take Damen and check out the scene in Wicker Park, and it was happening big time. These people go all out. One of my cycling teammates played the show at the Double Door, where a bunch of local bands dress up as some other band and do covers. His band was Culture Club. Read his blog! Good times.......good times.

1 comment:

BadRussianPoet said...

Red tape: grad students' costumes are always so "witty" (read: forced). Give me a break.